Friday, November 26

Epic Fail

Too bad she didn't feel the same about him.

Starbucks Christmas 2010 Pink Tumbler

Never been a fan of pink but this one looks cute.

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Check out IMDB for more pictures and trailer.

Pocket Rocket

Listen to EJ

Where's the Thanksgiving Turkey?

Asked to write a composition titled, "What I'm thankful for on Thanksgiving," little Timothy wrote, "I am thankful that I'm not a turkey."

Tuesday, July 13

Saturday, July 3

Fcuk Facebook

Is there anything else funnier than South Park? Guess none.

Charice, on top of Pyramid

This is one of the few reasons why I still love being Filipino.

iPhone 4 vs. People of the USA

Even before iPhone 4 was officially launched, a lot of complaints were already starting to appear. Click HERE for more.

Two-Second Fame

Our picture taken at Barracuda Lake in Coron was featured at Sports Unlimited's ANYTHING PALAWAN. Watch out 0:42!

A Dream Come True

Every woman's dream.

Pepsi World Cup 2010 Commercial

A very cute commercial of Pepsi for the World Cup 2010.